Please help me get off this list

Ivan Angus (
Fri, 17 Mar 95 08:44:42 EST

Allow me to interrupt with yet another of those messages that everyone
hates.  (although with all the off-topic stuff on this list, I don't
really see the problem).

I have tried four times in the last two months to get off this list,
and I am not getting anywhere.  Does anyone on this list know if there
is a human reading the mail sent to the list "moderator" by the
majordomo software ?

My apologies for the post direct to this list, but I've gone beyond
frustrated right through to annoyed.  That's the last time I subscribe
my real email address to a list server, next time it's an alias so I
can /dev/null it.  (No, I don't have time to set up procmail).
Ivan Angus  (             Here :                x3261
Teaching and Learning Technology Support Unit   There :       (06) 249 3261
Australian National University                  Everywhere : +61 6 249 3261